Exquisite Model Generator

My initial idea for generator was to create unique 3D objects by procedurally generating different objects that would come together to create an abstract GameObject. With multiple trials, endless editing I could achieve this final version. I did struggle till end with resolving no overlap between two objects. Hopefully I'll get it in next one. 

For coding, ChatGPT helped a lot with complex prompts and getting it all together to create a scene.

I did learn to add water shader! That was first time and a success. Next I wish to learn to create growing weeds kind of effect with shader graphs.

I did learn to create a glowing ring as well. (I faked it with particle system along with a torus) 


ItemAreaSpawner.cs 809 bytes
ObjectAnimator.cs 1 kB
ButtonScript.cs 3 kB
TextureGenerator.cs 1.1 kB
SpawnOnKeyPress.cs 807 bytes
RaycastAlignerNoOverlap.cs 1.6 kB
water.shadergraph 130 kB

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